Friday, February 3, 2012

Problem with viewing CLOB type data in ODI 10g model

I had faced a problem in viewing the CLOB type data in a model.
On right clicking the table and view data, it throws an error if the table contains CLOB (rawXML) content.

To resolve the above issue,

In odiparamas.bat file set the below parameter

set ODI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTIONS=%ODI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTIONS% " -Doracledatabasemetadata.get_lob_precision=false"

next to,


Restart the ODI and now able to see the data..!! :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

ODIConsole Installation

Metadata Navigator is for ODI 10g and its named as odiconsole in 11g

And you will need a standalone weblogic server to deploy the odiconsoel.jar. In ODI, we can choose the option of deploying ODIconsole at the time of installation itself. Or it can extendede to deply it later

  • Weblogic 10.3.5 is needed to host the ODIconsole of version
  • Also Installing ODI on 64 bit machine does not support 64 bit JDK. Its a known bug in ODI 11g. so  a 32-bit JDK is needed to start up the ODIStudio
Below are the steps to install ODI standalone agent as well the ODIConsoel.


Weblogic server installed

Steps :

  1. Download the requied version of ODI installaer from the oracle site
  2. Follw the screenshots below and install the ODI

    Select the ODIStudio, standalone agent and ODIConsoela s well
    Specify the middleware home and ODI home
    You can skip the repository connection step. Repositories can be created later
    Specify the agent name and port to be used
 Now you can cretae the master and work repositories for ODI and establish connection to them.

Installing ODIConsole:

  1. Run the config.jar to configure the domain
  2. Select the ODI console data source
     enter the domain name and domain location
    Specify the weblogic server username and password
     configure master and work repository schemas
     Target the deploymetn to the admin srever and if neede the managed servers as well
    Make sure to select the check box for ODI console
     Make sure to select the check box for JDBC Resource of amster nad work repositories
     Select create to create the domain
  3. Now login to the weblogic server and look under servers
  4. servers->Admin server->deployments->odiconsole
  5. Expand odiconsole to click the modules
  6. Go to Testing tab and click the url on default.
  7. It will take you to the odiconosle
  8. It will be of the form http://localhost:7001/odiconsole
  9. Login with master and work repository credential
  10. Now you will be able to see the work and master repository screen

Post Deployment Configuration:

  1. go to ODI_HOME\Common\bin folder
  2. execute the wlst.cmd
  3. connect to the weblogic domain by providing username nad password
  4. create the credential with the SUPERVISOR user account and password details and finally disconnect
  5. Below is the script to execute the above steps
  • connect(‘weblogic’,'welcome1′,’t3://localhost:7001′)
  • createCred(map=”oracle.odi.credmap”, key=”SUPERVISOR”, user=”SUPERVISOR”, password=”SUNOPSIS”, desc=”Key for Supervisor”)
  • disconnect()
BINGO..!! you are done with ODI installation and configuring ODIConsole...:)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ODI Metadata Navigator

ODI Metadata Navigator is an web based interface for the navigator

Installation of this appication is easy and can be accomplished in simple steps

1. Copy the oracledimn.war file extracted from the patch to the installaiton directory
2. In the weblogic admin console, deploy this war file as an application
3. Check for active state of the war  in the deployments
4. Access the navigator at http://localhost:7001/oracledimn/

To configure the repostories connection,

1. Copy the snps_login_work.xml from ODI_HOME/oracledi/bin directory to <middleware_home>\applications\oracledimn\oracledimn\WEB-INF/WEB_INF

Ugrading ODI 10g-11g


Below is the oracle document which will help in upgrading the ODI 10g artifacts to 11g environment.

In this document , one can look for
  • Planning ODI component architecture
  • Upgrade database that contains ODI repository
  • (or) Clone the existing 10g master and work repositories
  • Back up of ODI Repsitories
  • Installing ODI 11g
  • Running ua.bat( Upgrade Assistance)
  • Performing post upgrade operations if any

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Upgrading ODI to

To obtain version
Install the patch:  Patch 9327111: ORACLE DATA INTEGRATOR CUMULATIVE PATCH

1. Log into My Oracle Support
2. Search for patch 9327111
3. Select Microsoft Windows (32-bit) in the Platform drop-down menu
4. Download the patch
5. Stop all ODI components and agent, extract the three files in the patch to \oracledi\drivers overwriting the existing files and start up the ODI components again.
6. Now open the ODI designer and check the 'About'. It should be updated to newer version

Monday, November 14, 2011

ANT Script Deployment for SOA composites

1. Overview:

Running ANT script requires
  • build.xml
  • configplan.xml
for each environment

Below is the main file where the application home, sar location, config plan location, environment details are defined

Initially set up the Oracle soa home, Java home, Middleware home and set the JAR’s location
Mention the credentials like username, password, serverURL, port for each environment.
Also mention the below parameters for each environment
  • sarLocation – Location where the deployable JAR’s are placed
  • configplan – Location where the config plan is placed for that particular environment
  • forceDefault=true
i) In, the credentials of different environment can be added and the same can be referred in deployment.plan.environment.
ii) Update the Middleware home, java home, soa home, sar location, config plan location as per the environment
iii) Update the SAR location and Config plan location as per the system
1.2 build.xml
Build.xml is the main ANT script which can do all deployments and calls the internal ANT scripts.
With this script, multiple composites can be deployed or redeployed to the environment using a single ANT command
The target “deployComposites” uses the in built ant script “ant-sca-deploy.xml” which is located in the oracle sos home for deploying the composites. It inherits set of properties like serverURL, username, password, sarLocation, configplan from
Also logging is enabled int the ant script which will help in debugging
Below is the build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<project name="soaDeployAll" default="deployAll">
<echo>basedir ${basedir}</echo>
<echo>current folder ${basedir}</echo>
<property environment="env"/>
<property file="${basedir}/"/>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${all.needed.jars.path}/ant-contrib.jar"/>
<target name="init">
<format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"/>
<property name="build.log.dir" location="${basedir}/buildlogs"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/> <property name="build.log.filename" value="build_${timestamp}.log"/>
<record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.log.filename}" loglevel="verbose" append="false"/>
<echo message="Build logged to ${build.log.filename}"/>
<target name="deployAll" depends="init">
<echo>Deploy for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
<antcall target="deployAllComposites"/>

<!-- Following Actions are performed for Composite files in Managed Server - Deploy,Redeploy -->

<target name="deployAllComposites" depends="init">
<foreach target="deployComposites" param="Files">
<fileset dir="${sarLocation}" casesensitive="no" includes="*.jar"/>

<target name="deployComposites" depends="init">
<propertycopy name="deploy.serverURL" from="${deployment.plan.environment}.serverURL"/>
<propertycopy name="deploy.sarLocation" from="${deployment.plan.environment}.sarLocation"/>
<propertycopy name="deploy.user" from="${deployment.plan.environment}.user"/>
<propertycopy name="deploy.password" from="${deployment.plan.environment}.password"/>
<propertycopy name="deploy.forceDefault" from="${deployment.plan.environment}.forceDefault"/>
<basename file="${Files}" property="basename"/>
<echo>Deploy Project ${basename} for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
<equals arg1="${deployAction}" arg2="deploy" />
<echo message="Deploying composites in ${deployment.plan.environment} server........." />
<ant antfile="${oracle.soa.home}/bin/ant-sca-deploy.xml" inheritAll="true" target="deploy">
<property name="serverURL" value="${deploy.serverURL}"/>
<property name="user" value="${deploy.user}"/>
<property name="password" value="${deploy.password}"/>
<property name="overwrite" value="true"/>
<property name="forceDefault" value="${deploy.forceDefault}"/>
<property name="sarLocation" value="${deploy.sarLocation}"/>

1.3 configplan.xml
Generate the config plan for the soa composite . With this config plan, soa composites can be deployed environment independentSteps to genrate config plan:
i) select the composite.xml and generate config plan as below

ii) Config plan will be generated in jdeveloper and you can search and replace the environment dependent properties like file read location, JNDI, etc..
Below is the configplan.xml for the DEV environment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAConfigPlan xmlns:jca="" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:orawsp="" xmlns:edl="" xmlns="">
<composite name="SISIntegration">
<!--Add search and replace rules for the import section of a composite
<!--Add search and replace rules for the service properties-->
<service name="ReadSummaryReport">
<property name="ValidationSummary">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadErrorReport">
<property name="DetailedErrorReport">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadBatchIdFromQueue">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadSISOutputFile">
<property name="APInvoiceDir">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadSummaryFile">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadZip">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadSISOutputFiles">
<property name="SISOutputLocation">
<binding type="jca"/>
<service name="ReadAPInvoice">
<property name="APInvoiceDir">
<binding type="jca"/>
<!--Add search and replace rules for the component properties
For components and service/reference bindings, you can add policy references.
<component name="*">
<wsp:PolicyReference orawsp:category="management" orawsp:status="enabled" URI="oracle/log_policy"/>
<component name="MiscInvoiceOutboundProcess">
<property name="activationAgent.PollDBNewRecords.className">
<property name="activationAgent.PollDBNewRecords.portType">
<property name="bpel.preference.TargetHostName">
<property name="bpel.preference.TargetUserName">
<property name="bpel.preference.TargetPassword">
<property name="bpel.preference.TargetSISDir">
<property name="bpel.preference.InvoiceXMLPath">
<property name="bpel.preference.IndexFilePath">
<component name="AcknowledgementProcess">
<property name="activationAgent.ReadSummaryReport.className">
<property name="activationAgent.ReadSummaryReport.portType">
<property name="bpel.preference.ValidationSummarySourcePath">
<component name="ErrorReportProcess">
<property name="activationAgent.ReadErrorReport.className">
<property name="activationAgent.ReadErrorReport.portType">
<property name="bpel.preference.ErrorReportSourcePath">
<component name="MiscInvoiceReadingZipProcess">
<property name="bpel.preference.InputDir">
<property name="bpel.preference.SupportingDocsDir">
<property name="bpel.preference.ValidationRepDir">
<property name="bpel.preference.OfflineArchDir">
<property name="bpel.preference.IsXmlOutputDir">
<reference name="InvoiceInternalFileWrite">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="FetchLineRecords">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="FetchHeaderAttachment">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="FetchLineAttachment">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="IndexInternalFileWrite">
<property name="IndexFileDir">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="ReadDetailErrorReport">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="UpdateHeaderTable">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="InsertErrorTable">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="FetchLineAndTax">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="ReadInvoiceRecords">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="GetSequence">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="CallOracleAppsApi">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<property name="jca.retry.backoff">
<property name="jca.retry.maxInterval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="UpdateRejectionDateInHeaderTable">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="UpdateBatchTableRejectionDate">
<property name="jca.retry.count">
<property name="jca.retry.interval">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="InvoiceFileInternalWrite">
<property name="InvoiceFileWrite">
<binding type="jca"/>
<reference name="WriteZipFilesToLocal">
<property name="SISOutputFilesDir">
<binding type="jca"/>
<wsdlAndSchema name="CallOracleAppsApi.wsdl|CallOracleAppsApi_db.jca|FetchHeaderAttachment.wsdl|FetchHeaderAttachment_db.jca|FetchLineAndTax.wsdl|FetchLineAndTax_db.jca|FetchLineAttachment.wsdl|FetchLineAttachment_db.jca|FetchLineRecords.wsdl|FetchLineRecords_db.jca|GetBatchId.wsdl|GetBatchId_db.jca|GetSequence.wsdl|GetSequence_db.jca|IndexInternalFileWrite.wsdl|IndexInternalFileWrite_file.jca|InsertAPInvoice.wsdl|InsertAPInvoice_db.jca|InsertErrorTable.wsdl|InsertErrorTable_db.jca|InvoiceFileInternalWrite.wsdl|InvoiceFileInternalWrite_file.jca|InvoiceInternalFileWrite.wsdl|InvoiceInternalFileWrite_file.jca|ReadAPInvoice.wsdl|ReadAPInvoice_file.jca|ReadBatchIdFromQueue.wsdl|ReadBatchIdFromQueue_apps.jca|ReadDetailErrorReport.wsdl|ReadDetailErrorReport_file.jca|ReadErrorReport.wsdl|ReadErrorReport_file.jca|ReadInvoiceRecords.wsdl|ReadInvoiceRecords_db.jca|ReadSISOutputFile.wsdl|ReadSISOutputFiles.wsdl|ReadSISOutputFiles_ftp.jca|ReadSISOutputFile_file.jca|ReadSummaryFile.wsdl|ReadSummaryFile_file.jca|ReadSummaryReport.wsdl|ReadSummaryReport_file.jca|ReadZip.wsdl|ReadZip_file.jca|sdcsd.wsdl|sdcsd_apps.jca|UpdateBatchInfo.wsdl|UpdateBatchInfo_db.jca|UpdateBatchTable.wsdl|UpdateBatchTableRejectionDate.wsdl|UpdateBatchTableRejectionDate_db.jca|UpdateBatchTable_db.jca|UpdateHeaderRejectionDate.wsdl|UpdateHeaderRejectionDate_db.jca|UpdateHeaderTable.wsdl|UpdateHeaderTableDate.wsdl|UpdateHeaderTableDate_db.jca|UpdateHeaderTableStatus.wsdl|UpdateHeaderTableStatus_db.jca|UpdateHeaderTable_db.jca|UpdateRejectionDate.wsdl|UpdateRejectionDateInHeaderTable.wsdl|UpdateRejectionDateInHeaderTable_db.jca|UpdateRejectionDate_db.jca|WriteSISOutputToLocal.wsdl|WriteSISOutputToLocal_file.jca|WriteZipFilesToLocal.wsdl|WriteZipFilesToLocal_file.jca|xsd/APInvoice.xsd|xsd/APPS_WF_EVENT_T_ReadBatchIdFromQueue.xsd|xsd/APPS_XXSIS_AP_TRX_PKG_CREATE_AP_TRX.xsd|xsd/APPS_XXSIS_POPULATE_TRX_PKG_GEN_SEQUENCE.xsd|xsd/APPS_XXSIS_POPULATE_TRX_PKG_UPDATE_BATCH_STATUS.xsd|xsd/APPS_XX_BPEL_RAISE_EVENT_WF_EVENT-24RAISE.xsd|xsd/AttachmentTransmissionV3.1.xsd|xsd/FetchHeaderAttachment.xsd|xsd/FetchLineAndTax_table.xsd|xsd/FetchLineAttachment.xsd|xsd/FetchLineRecords.xsd|xsd/GetBatch.xsd|xsd/GetBatchId.xsd|xsd/GetInvoiceRecords.xsd|xsd/IATA_IS_XML_Invoice_Standard_V3.1.xsd|xsd/IATA_IS_XML_Standard_Base_Datatypes_V3.1.xsd|xsd/IATA_IS_XML_Standard_Custom_Dictionary_V3.1.xsd|xsd/IATA_IS_XML_Standard_Main_Dictionary_V3.1.xsd|xsd/InsertErrorTable_table.xsd|xsd/IS-Validation-Detail-Error-Report.xsd|xsd/IS-Validation-Summary-Report.xsd|xsd/Params.xsd|xsd/ReadInvoiceRecords_table.xsd|xsd/Sequence.xsd|xsd/singleString.xsd|xsd/UpdateBatchInfo_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateBatchTableRejectionDate_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateBatchTable_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateErrorTable_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateHeaderRejectionDate_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateHeaderTableDate_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateHeaderTableStatus_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateHeaderTable_table.xsd|xsd/UpdateRejectionDate.xsd|xsd/UpdateRejectionDateInHeaderTable.xsd|xsd/UpdateRejectionDateInHeaderTable_table.xsd">
i) In config plan, the properties can be added at composite level and replace the environment dependent values pertaining to that composite
ii) One or more composite properties can be referred in the config plan
Can have one config plan for each environment and refer config plan location appropriately in the
1.4 deployAll.bat /
DeplyAll.bat (Windows)/ (Linux) is the CMD script to run this ANT script. To make this work, we need ant-contrib library and put this in the local folder.
Below is the entries in deployAll.bat file
Setting the deployment.plan.environment while running the build.xml will overwrite the hard coded setting in the

Flow of Running ANT script:

Build.xml is the master file which will inturn call the build.parameters file to get the parameter values for each environment.
In, configplan.xml location is referred.

2. Pre-Running Steps

  1. Place the deployable SOA composites SAR files and config plans for each environment in a local folder
  2. Set the environment variables
2.1 Set JAVA_HOME – Set the path where JDK is installed and the folder should contain bin
For Eg: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24
2.2 Set ANT_HOME - Set the path where the ANT is installed
For Eg: C:\Oracle\Middleware\modules\org.apache.ant_1.7.1
2.3 Set the path variable

  1. All the in built ant scripts are placed in the bin folder of oracle soa home - C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1/bin
  2. Import the, build.xml and deployALL.bat to the soa home.
  3. Edit the and deployAll.bat/ as per the environment
  4. And finally the CMD script to run this ANT script.

3. Running ANT Script

  1. Edit the deployAll.bat (Windows Env) / (Linux Env) to set the deployment environment as dev/prod and run
open a command prompt and navigate to the build.xml folder and execute
ant -f build.xml deployAll -Ddeployment.paln.environment=dev

4. Verification Checklist

  1. Include a subset of test steps that will confirm that the customization has been installed properly.
Verify that the deployment has been properly done by following these steps:
a. Logging is enabled in the script. Look for logs in the Buildlogs folder

Backup and restore of Database Schema using oracle Export Utility

This article explains the backup and restore of an Oracle database schema

Preparing for backup and restore

1. SQL> connect sys/password as sysdba
2. SQL> grant create any directory to user;
Grant succeeded.
3.SQL> grant EXP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
4. SQL> grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
5. SQL> exit

Now logina s user and create the directory

SQL> create or replace directory MyDir as '/u1/oracle'

Now MyDir can be used to export and import the database dumps

Note:  Create a directory structure in the system before executing the export command. Otherwise, "invalid file operation at SYS.UTL.FILE." error will be thrown

Oracle Backup (expdp)

USe the below command to export the database schema to the particular directory

[oracle]$ expdp user/password schemas=user directory=MyDir dumpfile=DemoExport.dmp logfile=User_01232.log

Oracle Restore (impdp)

Create the directory where the dumps are exported
Create the user tablespace
Now run the import command again

$ impdp user/****** schemas=user directory=MyDir dumpfile=DemoImport.DMP logfile=User_01233.log

Thus, backup and restore of schema is done succesfully