This article explains the backup and restore of an Oracle database schema
1. SQL> connect sys/password as sysdba
2. SQL> grant create any directory to user;
Grant succeeded.
3.SQL> grant EXP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
4. SQL> grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
5. SQL> exit
Now logina s user and create the directory
SQL> create or replace directory MyDir as '/u1/oracle'
Now MyDir can be used to export and import the database dumps
Note: Create a directory structure in the system before executing the export command. Otherwise, "invalid file operation at SYS.UTL.FILE." error will be thrown
[oracle]$ expdp user/password schemas=user directory=MyDir dumpfile=DemoExport.dmp logfile=User_01232.log
Create the user tablespace
Thus, backup and restore of schema is done succesfully
Preparing for backup and restore
1. SQL> connect sys/password as sysdba
2. SQL> grant create any directory to user;
Grant succeeded.
3.SQL> grant EXP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
4. SQL> grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to user;
Grant succeeded.
5. SQL> exit
Now logina s user and create the directory
SQL> create or replace directory MyDir as '/u1/oracle'
Now MyDir can be used to export and import the database dumps
Note: Create a directory structure in the system before executing the export command. Otherwise, "invalid file operation at SYS.UTL.FILE." error will be thrown
Oracle Backup (expdp)
USe the below command to export the database schema to the particular directory[oracle]$ expdp user/password schemas=user directory=MyDir dumpfile=DemoExport.dmp logfile=User_01232.log
Oracle Restore (impdp)
Create the directory where the dumps are exportedCreate the user tablespace
Now run the import command again
$ impdp user/****** schemas=user directory=MyDir dumpfile=DemoImport.DMP logfile=User_01233.log
Thus, backup and restore of schema is done succesfully
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